Niue Island DXpedition 2019


Dear OM,

I am writing this email, hoping not to bother you, to inform you of my next Dxpedition.

In March 2019 I will be active from NIUE (IOTA OC-040) with the call E6ET, you can find all the information on the DXpedition on this page:



I will focus 6-10-30-60-160m in CW and DIGI modes, wherever possible will be my pleasure take a sked for specific band and mode,

I will have one FT8 station active 24/24 on the main bands (20m during the day and 40/60m during night).

What time you were interested, every contribution will be accepted and appreciated and will help me to cover the cost  of the extra-size boarded suitcases in order to be operative with an antenna setup, rtx and amplifier as good as possible;  the cost of the trip is very high and 100kg of baggage from Europe to a remote South Pacific island are really expensive, think about more than $80/kg round trip!


a) For Donation at least of € 5,00 you will automatically qualify for free OQRS after the expedition

b) For Donation at least of € 15,00 you will automatically qualify for free OQRS after the activities, callsign printed on the page 2 of the QSL

c) For Donation at least of € 50,00 you will automatically qualify for free OQRS after the activities, callsign or logo printed on the back of the QSL and receive the FullHD Video of the DXpedition direct at home

d) For Donation at least of € 100,00 you will automatically qualify for free OQRS after the activities, callsign or logo printed on the back of the QSL and receive the DVD Video of the DXpedition direct at home


Any donors will support E6ET with donation at least of € 15,00 will receive by email the ”Certificate of Appreciation” in full resolution.


I hope to have you back in the E6ET log and among the supporters of my activities thank you for the time you gave me and I invite you to visit my website www.5b4alx.cloud


For any information please visit my website at this specific webpage :


5B4ALX - Alex




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