6W     - Once again Francis, F6BLP (www.f6blp.org) will be active  as  6W7SK
        from Senegal from 10 January to 5 February. He will operate  mainly
        CW on 80-10 metres (hopefully also on 160 metres), with a focus  on
        the low bands during his sunrise and susnset hours. QSL via  F6BLP,
        direct or bureau,  and  LoTW.  Logsearch  on  Club  Log.  [TNX  Les
        Nouvelles DX]
BY     - Terry, BA7NQ will join  BA7CK  on  Yongxing  Dao  (AS-143)  [425DXN
        1234] on 4-8 January. Terry will  operate  CW  and  SSB.  [TNX  The
        Daily DX]
DL     - Celebrating the 90th anniversary of IARU and the  65th  anniversary
        of DARC (the German Amateur Radio IARU society), special  callsigns
        DJ90IARU, DK65DARC and DL65DARC will be active until  31  December.
        QSL DJ90IARU via bureau or  direct  to  DL2VFR;  QSL  DK65DARC  and
        DL65DARC via bureau or direct to DF1QR. Information on the DARC  65
        Award: www.darc.de/referate/dx/bulls/darc65/special-award/ [TNX  DX
EP     - "With only 17 days to go  before  the  EP6T  DXpedition  will  take
        place", the team reported on 29 December, "the Rockall DX Group  is
        in the final process of finalizing their  newest  set-up".  As  for
        the low bands (160, 80 and 40m), they will be QRV from £from  local
        sunset (13.45Z) up until our sunrise  (03.00Z).  During  the  first
        two days of the expedition,  we  encourage  DX  stations  from  all
        corners of the world to listen to us on the low bands and  to  keep
        our pilots informed of your best times so we  can  focus  based  on
        the data we receive. During these days we will also  be  doing  our
        utmost to thin out the EU  pile".  Read  the  complete  release  on
GM     - Col, MM0NDX will be active as  MM0NDX/p  from  the  Orkney  Islands
        (EU-009) on 16-18 January. QSL via IW7EGQ. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
JA     - Kenji, JA4GXS will be active as JA4GXS/5  from  Shodo  (AS-200)  on
        23-25 January. He will operate CW and SSB on 40-15 metres. QSL  via
        JA4GXS, direct or bureau. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
KP1    - On 30 December the K1N Navassa team reported that "the  exact  date
        of departure from  the  staging  area  will  be  dependent  upon  a
        combination of the date U.S. FWS transportation  is  available  and
        upon weather windows". It is estimated that it will take "two  full
        days of helicopter shuttles  to  get  everything  needed  to  start
        operations", and now it looks like "K1N will be QRV the  first  two
        weeks of February". Navassa was activated for the  last  time  back
        in 1993, and the USFWS "will not allow  another  operation  for  at
        least 10 more years". For this reason, K1N will limit  "most  bands
        to a specific mode, so that we can work the  pileups  down  to  the
        last little pistol". See www.navassadx.com for further  information
        on the project and details on how to contribute to the fundraising.
LZ     - Once  again  Radio  Club  Blagovestnik  (LZ1KCP)  will  use  twelve
        special callsigns throughout  2015  to  honour  as  many  different
        Bulgarian saints: LZ290MB (January), LZ550SI  (February),  LZ386SKI
        (March), LZ883PI (April), LZ102SIB (May), LZ293MA  (June),  LZ429PS
        (July),  LZ250MM  (August),   LZ129WNLS    (September),    LZ130SAK
        (October), LZ259PA  (November)  and  LZ362MT  (December).  QSL  via
        bureau  or  direct  to  P.  O.  Box  36,  4300  Karlovo,  Bulgaria.
        Information on the "All Bulgarian Saints 2015" award can  be  found
        at www.lz1kcp.com.
PJ4    - Peter, PA8A will be active  holiday  style  as  PJ4B  from  Bonaire
        (SA-006) on 14-29 January. QSL via PA8A, direct only.
PY0F   - Leo, PP1CZ will be active again  as  PY0F/PP1CZ  from  Fernando  de
        Noronha (SA-003) on 8-15 January.  QSL  via  home  call  and  LoTW;
        logsearch and OQRS on Club Log. [TNX DX World]
UA     - A team from the Pushkino Amateur Radio  Club  (namely  R2DG,  R2DX,
        RV3DFI, RW3FB, RX3DVZ and RZ3DJ) will be active as R73RDA from  the
        town of Soligalich (RDA KS-28), Kostroma  oblast  on  3-6  January.
        They will also operate  mobile  while  travelling  through  several
        other  districts.  QSL  via  RW3FB.  Information  on  the   Russian
        Districs Award programme: www.rdaward.org. [TNX RZ3DJ]
VE     - Commemorating the 200th anniversary of the birth  of  Sir  John  A.
        Macdonald, the first Prime  Minister  of  Canada,  members  of  the
        Delta Amateur Radio Society (British Columbia) will  be  active  as
        VC7SJAM until 31 January. All of the QSOs  will  be  confirmed  via
        the bureau. Also, Kingston  Amateur  Radio  Club  members  will  be
        active as VG3SJAM during the same time frame from Sir  John's  home
        city of Kingston (Ontario). QSL via operator's  instructions.  [TNX
        DX Newsletter]
VP8_ant- Mike, GM0HCQ/VP8CMH was able to log  505  QSOs  during  his  recent
        stop at Rothera Base. He operated for three evenings mainly  CW  on
        17, 20, 30 and 40 metres. The "James Clark Ross" is due to be  back
        at the base on Adelaide Island (AN-001), Antarctica in a few  days'
        time, and it is Mike's intention to be active again  as  VP8ROT  on
        8-10 January. Usually he is QRV  from  around  00.00  UTC  for  2-3
        hours. QSL via GM0HCQ (direct only),  LoTW  and  eQSL.  Follow  the
        ship itinerary and Mikes' daily updates at www.gm0hcq.com.
VQ9   -  Bob,  N7XR   will  be  back   to   Diego  Garcia  (AF-006),  Chagos
        Archipelago and active as VQ9XR on 15-28 January. He  will  be  QRV
        on 80-10 metres. QSL direct only to N7XR,  preferably  through  the
        OQRS on Club Log (please refrain from choosing the  bureau  option,
        as "all ClubLog requests for bureau cards will not be  processed").
        [TNX The Daily DX]
W      - Members of the Livermore  Amateur  Radio  Group  Endeavors  (K6LRG)
        expect to be active as K6F from the Farallon  Islands  (NA-178)  on
        5-6 January. On Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/K6Fislands) they
        say that "this  trip to the island will likely not 'count' for IOTA
        credit. Paperwork and politics  being what they are, we will likely
        not have certification from IOTA for these QSO's  next week. Please
        consider this a dry run for a future  trip". The  Farallons  are  a
        National Wildlife Refuge and the  public  is  not allowed on any of
        the islands.  The only two  amateur  radio  activities  so far were
        conducted  by  KK6EK  on  1-2  September  1992  (419   QSOs,    see
        www.cordell.org/FARALLONS/index.html),  and  K6VVA/6  operated   by
        K6VVA  and  K9AJ  on  on  14-16  February  2006  (2576  QSOs,   see
YB     - YB8IBD and other seven  operators  will  be  active  as  YB8K  from
        Wawonii  Island  (formerly  known  as  Wowoni,  OC-236)  on   10-11
        January. QSL via YB8IBD; logsearch on Club Log. [TNX rsgbiota.org]
ZF     - Pete, K8PGJ  will be active as ZF2PG from Grand Cayman (NA-016)  on
        10-18 January, with a serious effort  in  the  North  American  QSO
        Party (NAQP). He will be QRV on 20-10 metres  SSB  in  his  morning
        and afternoon hours, and on 160-40 metres in the  nights.  QSL  via
        K8PGJ (direct) and LoTW. [TNX The Daily DX]
ZL7    - Nobuaki, JA0JHQ  (http://pandasan.jimdo.com/)  will  be  active  as
        ZL7/JA0JHQ from the Chatham Islands (OC-038) from 30 Janaury  to  1
        February. He will be QRV mainly on 17 and 15  metres  SSB  and  CW,
        with some activity on 30, 12  and  10  metres  depending  on  local
        conditions. QSL via JA0JHQ, direct o bureau.