오는 4월9일에
실시하기로 한 CW Small Group Expedition을
다가오는 5월28일부터 29일까지  CQ  World-Wide  WPX 컨테스트에 맞춰 순연함을 알려 드립니다.

총무님과 같이 나주에 있는 금성산에 다녀왔으며 행사하기에
적당한 장소를 물색해 놓았답니다.
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                         ********  참고로 아래는WPX 컨테스트 안내입니다.********

The 2005 CQ World-Wide WPX Contest
CW: May 28–29, 2005
Starts: 0000 GMT Saturday
Ends: 2359 GMT Sunday

I. Period of Operation:

48 hours. Single Operator stations may operate 36 of the 48 hours. Off times must be a minimum of 60 minutes in length and clearly marked in the log. Listening time counts as operating time. Multi-Operator stations may operate the full 48 hours.

II. Objective:

The object of the contest is for amateurs around the world to contact as many amateurs in other parts of the world as possible during the contest period.

III. Bands:

The 1.8, 3.5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 MHz bands may be used.
No WARC bands allowed.
Observance of established band plans is strongly encouraged.

IV. Terms of Competition (for all categories):

All entrants must operate within the limits of their chosen category when performing any activity that could impact their submitted score. Only the entrant’s callsign may be used to aid the entrant’s score. A different callsign must be used for each entry.
Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-meter diameter circle or within the property limits of the station licensee, whichever is greater. All antennas must be physically connected by wires to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant. All high power categories must not exceed 1500 watts total output power on any band.

No self-spotting of any form on DX spotting nets is permitted for any category. Self-spotting is defined as generating packet spots for your contest callsign by:

(a) using your own callsign;
(b) spotting your call while using another callsign; or
(c) spotting of your callsign by other stations as a result of prearranged solicitation.
Categories: Note - CATEGORY: and CATEGORY-OVERLAY:** names for use in the CABRILLO file header are shown in (italics).

1. Single Operator (Single Band and All Band)

(a) One person performs all of the operating, logging, and, for the Assisted category only, spotting functions. Only one transmitted signal is allowed at any time. Maximum power allowed is 1500 watts total output.

(b) Low Power:
Same as 1(a) except that output power shall not exceed 100 watts. Stations in this category will compete only with other low power stations.

(c) QRP:
Same as 1(a) except that output power shall not exceed 5 watts. Stations in this category will compete only with other QRP stations.

(d) Assisted/with Packet:
Same as 1(a) except the passive use (no self-spotting) of DX spotting nets or other forms of DX alerting is permitted. Stations in this category will compete only with other Assisted stations.

** The next three categories shown below require an additional line in your Cabrillo logfile header called CATEGORY-OVERLAY.
See paragraph XIV(d).

(e) Tribander/Single Element:
Tribander (any type) for the high bands with a single feedline from the transmitter to the antenna, and single-element low-band antennas (wires) category. During the contest an entrant shall use only one (1) tribander for 10, 15, 20 meters and single-element antennas on 40, 80, and 160.

(f) Band Restricted:
An eligible entrant must hold a license restricting operation to less than the six (6) contest bands (160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10) on both modes. Examples of such licenses in the USA are: Novice, Technician, 4 class license, etc. Since frequency privileges differ from country to country, competition is between stations within one’s own country.

(g) Rookie:
To enter this category you must have been licensed as a radio amateur three (3) years or less on the date of the contest.
2. Multi Operator (All band operation only, high power only)

(a) Single-Transmitter:
Only one transmitter and one band permitted during the same time period (defined as 10 minutes).
Exception: One other band may be used during any 10-minute period if the station worked is a new multiplier. Use separate serial numbers for the multiplier station. Logs found in violation of the 10-minute rule will be automatically reclassified as multi-multi. Maximum power allowed is 1500 watts total output. Your log MUST show the correct serial number sent and received for each contact.

(b) Multi-Two:
A maximum of two transmitted signals at any time on different bands. Both transmitters may work any and all stations. A station may be worked only once per band regardless of which transmitter is used. Each transmitter must keep a chronological log containing its own serial numbers and unique transmitter identifier. Each of the two stations may make a maximum of 8 band changes in any clock hour (00 through 59 minutes). For example, a change from 20 meters to 40 meters and then back to 20 meters constitutes two band changes. Maximum power allowed is 1500 watts total output.

(c) Multi-Transmitter:
No limit to transmitters, but only one signal (and running station) allowed per band at any time. Note: All transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-meter diameter area or within property limits of the station licensee, whichever is greater. All operation must take place from the same operating site. Maximum power allowed is 1500 watts total output.

V. Exchange:

RS(T) report plus a progressive contact three-digit serial number starting with 001 for the first contact. (Continue to four digits if past 999 and five if past 9999).
Multi-operator, multi-transmitter stations use separate serial numbers for each band. Your log MUST show the correct serial number sent and received for each contact.

VI. Contact Points:

(a) Contacts between stations on different continents are worth three (3) points on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and six (6) points on 7, 3.5, and 1.8 MHz.

(b) Contacts between stations on the same continent, but different countries, are worth one (1) point on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and two (2) points on 7, 3.5, and 1.8 MHz.
Exception: For North American stations only - contacts between stations within the North American boundaries (both stations must be located in North America) are worth two (2) points on 28, 21, and 14 MHz and four (4) points on 7, 3.5, and 1.8 MHz.

(c) Contacts between stations in the same country are worth 1 point regardless of band.

VII. Prefix Multipliers:

The prefix multiplier is the number of valid prefixes worked. A PREFIX is counted only once regardless of the number of times the same prefix is worked.

(a) A PREFIX is the letter/numeral combination which forms the first part of the amateur call. Examples: N8, W8, WD8, HG1, HG19, KC2, OE2, OE25, etc.
Any difference in the numbering, lettering, or order of same shall constitute a separate prefix. A station operating from a DXCC country different from that indicated by its callsign is required to sign portable. The portable prefix must be an authorized prefix of the country/call area of operation. In cases of portable operation, the portable designator will then become the prefix.

Example: N8BJQ operating from Wake Island would sign N8BJQ/KH9 or N8BJQ/NH9. KH6XXX operating from Ohio must use an authorized prefix for the U.S. 8th district (W8, K8, etc.).

Portable designators without numbers will be assigned a zero (Ø) after the second letter of the portable designator to form the prefix. Example: PA/N8BJQ would become PAØ.

All calls without numbers will be assigned a zero (Ø) after the first two letters to form the prefix. Example: XEFTJW would count as XEØ.

Maritime mobile, mobile, /A, /E, /J, /P, or interim license class identifiers do not count as prefixes. You may not make up your own prefix.

(b) Special event, commemorative, and other unique prefix stations are encouraged to participate. Prefixes must be assigned by the licensing authority of the country of operation.

VIII. Scoring (QSO Points):

Single Operator:

(a) All Band score = total contact points from all bands multiplied by the number of different prefixes worked (prefix multiplier; prefixes are counted only once).

(b) Single band score = total contact points on the band entered multiplied by the number of different prefixes worked (prefix multiplier).

Multi Operator: Scoring is the same as Single Operator, All Band.

A station may be worked once one each band for QSO point credit. Prefix credit can be taken only once.

IX. QRP Section:

Single Operator only. Output power must not exceed 5 watts. You must note QRP in the header of your Cabrillo file, or in the case of non-Cabrillo logs, on the summary sheet and state the actual maximum output power used for all claimed contacts.
Results will be listed in a separate QRP section and certificates will be awarded to each top-scoring QRP station in the order indicated in Section XI.

X. Low Power Section:

Single Operator only. Output power must not exceed 100 watts. You must indicate low power in the header of your Cabrillo file, or in the case of non-Cabrillo logs, on the summary sheet and state the actual maximum output power used for all claimed contacts.
Results will be listed in a separate low power section and certificates will be awarded to each top-scoring low power station in the order indicated in Section XI.

XI. Awards:

Certificates will be awarded to the highest scoring station in each category listed under Section IV.

In every participating country.

In each call area of the United States, Canada, Australia, and Asiatic Russia.
All scores will be published. To be eligible for an award, a single operator station must show a minimum of 12 hours of operation and multi-operator stations must show a minimum of 24 hours of operation.

A single-band log will be eligible for a single-band award only. If a log contains more than one band, it will be judged as an all-band entry unless specified otherwise.

In countries or sections where entries justify, second- and third-place awards will be made.

XII. Trophies, Plaques, and Donors:

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