DX4WIN website에 들러보니 dx4w801 version의 bug를 해결했다는 dx4w802 version이 release가 되었더군요,


801 version을 써 보신 후 발견된 문제점들 중, F1 key를 눌렀을때 help 스크린이 잘 안나오는 것과 SWL 라벨 프린트 오류는 해결이 되었으나, 라벨프린트시의 영문폰트 설정 문제는 해결이 안 된 듯 합니다. 그 외에에도 우리가 미처 깨닫지 못한 오류들이 고쳐졌거나 새로운 기능들이 추가되었다고  하는군요 (아래 참조).

Version History(8.02)
New features and bug fixes in 8.02

·     Fixed the bug that pressing the F1 key did not always launch the help screen
·     Fixed bug with using the mailed cutoff value.
·     Made input fields for radio selection wider
·     The status Mailed and Label now only apply to QSL cards
QSO Window
·     Reworked the interface in File | Preferences | F2 key and the code for using the F2 key
·     Improved the algorithms to retrieve Name/QTH and Frequency from the notes.
·     Setting the QSL method for a QSO in multiple QSO operations only applies to QSOs that  
        are not confirmed and have the label flag set.
·     When adding a QSO using a double-click in the packet window will reuse the group
       number from the previous QSO that was added in real-time mode.
·     CR/LF characters in notes are replaced by a vertical bar (|)
·     $$ in the notes for the QSO template only adds the QSX frequency when in split mode.
·     Added Multiple QSO operation to set YL op flag
·     Fixed bug with search filter for users using 0,00 for a zero frequency. Also made the value
       comparison 20Kc wide.
·     We can now search the Group field for 0 !0 !11 etc
·     Added menu item to set all awards for a QSO to invalid
·     Fixed the list of QSO fields that can be enabled/disabled using the Tab key
Import/Export filters
·     Added an import filter for DXbase 2007 that uses a utility program to read an Access  
·     Import/export filters can now handle lines up to 999 characters long
·     Fixed a problem with the import filter when the IOTA island name was empty.
·     Older DX4WIN import/export filters did not have all awards defined.
·     Fixed a bug that caused a GPF when stopping on a duplicate QSO during an import.
·     When importing QSOs we use a 1 minute time window; to confirm QSOs the time window
       is 10 minutes.
·     Only write notes for callsigns that are part of an export operation.
·     Added some more modes that can be recognized during imports like LSB, and USB.
·     The DX4WIN8 filter copied only 5 chars for the mode
LogBook Window
·     LoTW date format corrected in LogBook window
·     LogBook window remembers the column widths.
·     Modified ICOM radio drivers to read the correct number of bytes when executing a read
       mode command that includes a small delay.
·     Added ICOM 7600 drivers
·     Added Yaesu-FT9000PEP driver
·     Report generator honors selection of band / mode and makes all award types available at
       the same time.
·     Deleted entities are sorted towards the end of a listing.
·     Added code to protect against 'bad' award values
·     Using Alt+R in PSK31 window will no longer change the mode on the radio.
·     Allow more sound cards for PSK31
·     Use MicroSoft DLL to process the FullList.xml; write the result to iota.ini to make loading
·     There was no delay after the first character in the CW buffer
·     Fixed bug with printing SWL labels
·     Update button in external data now sets the name field when available.
·     WPX summary window was not always updated