VU4 DXpedition의 Log가, 지진 해일 (쓰나미)에 의해 훼손 되었다는 신빙성 없는 루머가 한때 떠 돌았으나, 2005년 1월 8일자 425DXN에 의하면 교신 로그는 전혀 문제가 없는 것으로 확인되었다.

NIAR의 책임자인 VU2MY Suri에 의하면, Logbook이 현재 NIAR에 안전하게 보관 되어있으며, green stamp 등을 동봉한 QSL 카들들이 순조롭게 도착되고 있다고 한다. 조만간에 도착된 QSL card의 목록을 NIAR website (에 공지하겠으며, 온라인 로그도 올릴 예정이라고 한다.

425DxNews Bulletin n. 714 del 08/01/2005
ANDAMAN & NICOBAR ISLANDS ---> Bharathi, VU2RBI has returned to Delhi, as planned, but several more Indian amateur radio volunteers have joined the existing team to activate stations for emergency traffic (main frequencies 14190 kHz and 7090-7095 kHz) on the tsunami hit islands. The Daily DX reports that on 29 December all Indian amateur radio stations were authorized to operate in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands to 'assist the Civil Authorities in handling the messages pertaining to the disaster', and currently there are some 25-30 hams operating in various parts of the archipelago. A few interesting local and international press reports on the active involvement of amateur radio operators in the tsunami disaster can be found at As for the VU4RBI/VU4NRO DXpedition, Charles/K4VUD reports that the log books 'are safely now in Hydrabad at NIAR'. Charles spoke directly with Suri, VU2MY (Director of NIAR), who stated that QSL cards are 'arriving at NIAR in Hydrabad with all kinds of contents (green stamps, etc.) in good order'. A list of QSL cards received will be posted on the NIAR website ( as soon as they have personnel to do this job, and there also plans to put the logs on-line.