그동안 밴드를 뜨겁게 달구었던 Lacshadweep DXpedition 운용 중, Agatti, Bangaram 그리고 Kadmat 섬에서 운용 했던 VU7RG (AS-011)는 9만 여국의 교신을 하고 1월 24일 1830z에 QRT하였고, Minicoy 섬에서 운용중인 VU7MY (AS-106)는 1월 30일 까지 운용을 한다고 합니다.

QSL은 via JA3UB

At 24th January 2007 at 18.30Z (Indian time 24.00) VU7RG went QRT. In the 9 days operation from Agatti, Bangaram and Kadmat 92.134 QSO's have been made. We like to thank the world wide audience for the excellent behavior on the bands which made it possible for us to keep the spit ranges within agreed limits. We have spent lots of effort to work North America in which we partly succeeded, the propagation was not in our favor.

VU7MY Minicoy
VU7MY will stay active until 30th January 2007. The Minicoy QSL card goes via the same QSL route as VU7RG and the logs will be published later..