다국적 아마추어 무선사 4명 이  FO (French Polynesia) 에서2010,02,09 ~ 2010,02,25
까지 여러밴드,모드에서 하는 모양 입니다.
관심있는 오엠님들 여러밴드,모드 공략 하시기 바랍니다.

02/17일 kst 10:00경 18,078.00 CW 신호 좋습니다.


9th to 25th February from Tahiti, DXCC entity = French Polynesia, all 9 HF bands, 160-10 m.

With feedback from recent operations from the 2 other FO DXCC entities, we changed our plans and we will stay in this more current country but we will make a strong effort on low bands (160 and 80 m) to try to address the many requests from all continents.

Entries in the WPX RTTY and in the ARRL DX CW contests are also planned as all operators are contesters.

Note : The CW listening frequency will always be up (except on 160m), starting at just 1kHz or 2kHz up depending on the pile-up size. However on 160m CW where the listening frequency will be down, the actual split will be announced.
