스위스에서 Silvio 메일

160m QRV 가끔 한다네요.

 FW0NAR and ZK2C등의 남태평양은 어려운가 봐요...


Hi Kim

Congrats for your QSO with TN.

 I know is not easy from HL to TN

.I have hear your QSO with TN2T on 30.Jan.2012 16:25 UTC 21300 kHz SSB fine QSO congrats.

Now in Switzerland the WX is very cold and we have a lot of snow right now.

Sometimes I am QRV on 160m CW and I call ASIA on early evening my time.

 I have worked a lot of JA stations this winter.Hope to see you again on low bands

.I am now spend a lot of time to catch FW0NAR and ZK2C on 80m, 12m and 10m, but is not easy condx not so good.I have worked ZK2C on 30m a few days ago.

Now my best regards to you and your family.

73 Silvio de HB9LCW.
