최근에 도착된 425DX news를 보면, IOTA Award checkpoint중 우리나라 HAM들이 신청서를 내야할 checkpoint에 변동 사항이 있는 것으로 나옵니다.

아주 큰 변동은 아닌 것으로 보이는데, 그동안 아시아지역 신청자들의 checkpoint로서 헌신적인 공헌을 해 왔던 Ray Small, G3ALI가 타계를 한 모양입니다. 다행스럽게도 그의 아들 Robert Small, BRS-8841이 아버지의 checkpoint 일을 승계하게 되었다고 합니다.

Robert는 곧 (1월 중순경) 타계하신 아버지의 집으로 이사를 하게 되므로, 신청시의 주소는 예전과 같을 거라고 하는군요 (아래 원문 참조).

   BRS-8841, Robert S Small, 13 Rydal Close, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1QX,
   E-mail:  ray@g3ali.co.uk


The sad passing of Ray Small, G3ALI, one of our two UK based checkpoints,  in late October came as a great shock to us all. He had been a checkpoint  since early 1992 and carried out the duties involved meticulously. We know that his many friends, both  inside and  outside the  IOTA Programme,  will share  our sorrow at the loss of someone who gave so much in friendship and service.

We are happy to  be able to  announce that Ray's  son, Robert, BRS-8841,  has agreed to take over his Dad's checkpoint with immediate effect. He has a very high score (approaching  1000) in the  SWL listings, so  has a  mass of  IOTA experience. Robert is also moving  into Ray's house  in mid-January with  his family. So, those of you who  are his customers should  send your updates  to Robert at the same address as before. The  only change is that we have  split off Ray's Portuguese and BeNeLux customers  by appointing new checkpoints  in Portugal and Belgium.

The following checkpoint changes apply with immediate effect:

For applicants  in England  (all G  & M  call-numbers except  0),  Gibraltar, Ireland, Malta, and all Africa and Asia except Japan & the CIS countries:
   BRS-8841, Robert S Small, 13 Rydal Close, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 1QX,
   E-mail:  ray@g3ali.co.uk