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사진은 리히텐슈타인 금년6월... 인구 3만 5천, 면적 160km제곱, GNP 12만$...



HB9LCW, Silvio 다음주말 10월 29일 CQWW SSB contest QRV 한다네요.

요즘 나오는 남태평양 페디션팀.. LOW BAND가 어렵다네요.



Hi KimHow are you?A few days ago I have installed again the 160 / 80m verticale for the next low band season.I have also worked T32C and TX7M on 80m!But on Top band 160m the signal was too weak to had a real chance to work them.T32C is now history hi.Kim next weekend I am QRV from HB0 during the CQWW SSB contest.Next time you will come to HB9 for traveling please let me know earlier.Whats going on your DXCC 160m? have you made a lot of new country?Do you have DXCC award for 160m band?Hope to hear from you again.Best 73 Silvio de HB9LCW
