TUNISIA, 3V.  A group of operators will be QRV as 3V7A as a
Multi/Single entry in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL via

AZERBAIJAN, 4K.  Alim, 4K6FO will be a Single Op entry in the CQ
World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL direct to home call.

SIERRA LEONE, 9L.  Zbig, SP5BTB is QRV as 9L1BTB until November 10
while working for the UN in Freetown.  He is active on all bands and
modes.  QSL direct to home call.

QATAR, A7.  A group of operators will be QRV as A73A in the CQ World
Wide SSB DX contest as a Multi/Two entry.  QSL via A71A.

BAHRAIN, A9.  Special event call A91ACC is QRV until October 31
during the Arab Cycling Championship.  QSL via IZ8CLM.

TAIWAN, BV.  A group of operators will be QRV as BV55D as a
Multi/Single entry in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL via
operators' instructions.

CHILE, CE.  Estebam, XQ7UP is QRV from Coyhaique until October 28.
Activity is mainly on 20, 15 and 10 meters using SSB and PSK31 with
PSK31 only on 30 meters.  This includes being an entry in the CQ
World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL to home call.

MOROCCO, CN.  A large group of operators will be QRV as CN2AA as a
Multi/Single entry in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL via

CAPE VERDE, D4.  A group of operators will be QRV as D4C from Sao
Vicente Island, IOTA AF-086, in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest as
a Multi/Multi entry.  QSL via YL2GM.

CANARY ISLANDS, EA8.  Jaime, WP3A will be QRV as ED8P from Santa
Cruz de Tenerife, IOTA AF-004, in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest
as a Single Band/Low Power entry on 15 meters.  QSL direct via NP3O.
LIECHTENSTEIN, HB0.  Laci, HA7JTR is QRV as HB0/HA7JTR from Masescha
until October 29.  This includes being an entry in the CQ World Wide
SSB DX contest.  QSL to home call.

ARUBA, P4.  Valery, R5GA is QRV as P4/R5GA.  He will be active as
P40F in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL contest call via
UA3DX and P4/R5GA to home call.
W6IZT are QRV as PJ6/home calls from Saba Island, IOTA NA-145, until
October 29.  Activity is on the HF bands using CW and RTTY.  They
will be active as PJ6A as a Multi/Single entry in the CQ World Wide
SSB DX contest.  QSL contest call via N4NX and all others via
operators' instructions.

DODECANESE, SV5.  Rich, M5RIC is QRV as SW5CC from Rhodes Island,
IOTA EU-001, until October 31.  This includes an entry in the CQ
World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL via M0OXO.

PALAU, T8.  Tom, JN2AMD is QRV as T88AZ until October 28.  Activity
is on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY.  This includes being
an entry in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL to home call.

GUATEMALA, TG.  A group of operators will be QRV as TG0AA from
Monterrico in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL via bureau.

HONG KONG, VR.  A group of operators will be QRV as VR2PX as a
Multi/Single entry in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL via

VIET NAM, XV.  Mike, N0ODK is QRV as XV4MN from Phu Quoc Island,
IOTA AS-128, until October 29.  He will be a Single Op/All Band/Low
Power entry in the CQ World Wide SSB DX contest.  QSL to home call.

LAOS, XW.  Champ, E21EIC is QRV as XW0YJY.  This includes being a
Single Op/All Band/Low Power entry in the CQ World Wide SSB DX
contest.  Before and after the contest he is active on the HF bands
using some CW.  QSL to home call.
OPERATION APPROVED FOR DXCC CREDIT.  The following operation is
approved for DXCC Credit: Afghanistan, T6JR, 2013 operation.