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5명의 OP들이 Pitcarn 섬에서 파일업을 받는 재미를 보고 있습니다.

그리고 club log 올리면서 바로 LoTW 까지 업로드 해주네요.

기간은 1월20일 부터 2월 3일까지 하는가 봅니다.



Approx dates : Friday 20th January (early GMT Saturday 21st) to Friday 3rd February (early GMT Saturday 4th).

Operators : Jacques F6BEE, Vincent F4BKV, Michel FM5CD, Gilles VE2TZT and Nigel G3TXF

It is planned to have up to three stations operating as VP6T on all nine HF bands, on CW, SSB and RTTY.

QSL via G3TXF.

Logs : If practical the VP6T logs will be frequently uploaded to both ClubLog and LoTW during the operation.


ClubLog : log-search :   





